
A study was carried out, by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, of the nucleoproteins of spermatozoa from infertile, oligospermic patients affected by partial idiopathic spermatidic arrest. Results in a normal group of men, in agreement with previous reports, showed the presence of protamines in mature spermatozoa. Data relative to nucleoproteins in "spermatozoa" from the infertile patients showed that, in these cells, no protamines were detectable, but histones exclusively. These findings suggest that in our patients a maturational defect of spermatogenesis exists both at the meiotic level (a DNA content double that of spermatozoa) and during spermatidic maturation (no substitution of histones by protamines). Therefore, the nuclear maturation of these terminal germ cells is that typical of that of primary spermatocytes.

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