
Histones H2A, H2B, H3, H4 and H1 are highly conserved, positively charged proteins which form a disc-shaped protein core around which genomic DNA is wrapped to form a nucleosome. Immediately following DNA synthesis, replication-dependent canonical histones help package the DNA into nucleosomes to form compact chromatin fibers that can fit within the confines of the cell nucleus. Histone variants, which vary from the canonical histones in their primary amino acid sequence and expression patterns, replace their canonical counterparts throughout the cell cycle in important biological processes such as transcription, replication, DNA repair and heterochromatin formation. DNA damage is a continual threat to genomic stability and cell survival. Unrepaired DNA lesions are either lethal or can promote mutations if the damaged cells escape programmed cell death due to apoptosis. In order to repair DNA damage, cells use multiple DNA repair pathways, all of which require the recruitment of a multiple DNA damage signaling and repair factors. In order for these repair factors to be recruited efficiently and function properly at sites of DNA damage, the local chromatin environment surrounding the DNA lesion is often altered. Cells are able to regulate chromatin structure in the vicinity of DNA lesions through the addition of posttranslational modifications on histones and DNA, as well as through histone variant incorporation or removal. Recruitment or removal of histone variants at sites of DNA damage can alter the local chromatin structure by destabilizing it and making it more accessible to repair factors. Alternatively, some histone variants and their modifications may also provide specific binding sites for the recruitment of various DNA repair factors, thereby influencing repair pathway choice or repair efficiency, or both. This review seeks to provide an overview of our current understanding of the roles played by histone variants in DNA repair, especially in mammalian cells.

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