
Ovarian maturation by neurosecretory cells in the brain of freshwater crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis have been examined. The histological scrutiny of the brain of Barytelphusa cunicularis related with three types (A, B and C) of neurosecretory cells, which are classified on the basis of size, shape and tinctorial characters. All these types of cells marked annual cyclic changes of cytoplasmic material in association with ovarian cycle. The activity of these cells has been correlated with the ovarian cycle. They are distinguishable by their size, nature locations, shape, nucleus position, cell measure and the secretory product in the cytoplasm. The result indicates that the neurosecretory A, B and C cells of the brain seen involved in the process of mating ovulation. The neurosecretory materials staining intensity index of these cells is described.

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