
In the present study, important parameters like frequency distribution of Gliomas, age group of Glioma patients, common sex involved, commonest site of occurrence, clinical presentations, radiological histopathological correlation, p16INK4a expression of the glial tumors are compared with other similar studies. The aim is to find out common age group of Glioma occurrence and it includes higher grades of Astrocytomas. The present study focuses on common symptoms such as head ache, histopathologial correlation and common tumor etc and to study the Histomorphology of Gliomas to evaluate p16INK4a expression in Gliomas to correlate the p16INK4a expression with the WHO grading of Gliomas. Various parameters like age, sex, site, clinical symptoms, radiological correlation and WHO Grading were analysed.p16 IHC was expressed as positive and negative according to its nuclear staining of >25% cells in 10 continuous fields in 40x and it was found that p16 expression was Positive in all Grade 1 Astrocytoma, 3 out of 5 Grade II Astrocytoma and only in one Grade IV Glioblastoma. p16 expression was negative in 2 Grade II Astrocytomas and in 17 Grade IV Gioblastomas and in 2 cases of Myxopapillary Ependymoma.

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