
The histology and ultrastructure of the body wall in Phoronopsis harmeriwere studied using light microscopy and TEM. The ectoderm epithelium of tentacles, anterior body region, and ampulla consists of monociliary cells. Gram-negative bacteria were found between microvilli, in the protocuticle of the anterior region, and in the ampulla. The epithelium of the posterior body region lacks both monociliary cells and bacteria. The bundles of nerve fibers run between the layer of epithelial cells and basal membrane. The musculature of the body wall comprises circular and longitudinal muscles. The circular muscle fibers are applied to the basal membrane and constitute a solid layer extending almost throughout the length of the body. This pattern is broken in the posterior body region, where there is no solid layer of circular musculature, and the latter is arranged in isolated muscle bands. In the ampullar (terminal) body region, the inversion of circular and longitudinal muscle layers takes place, so that the latter appears to be pressed against the basal membrane. The apical surfaces of longitudinal muscle cells bear cytoplasmic processes; some of the cells have a flagellum. The basal portion of the longitudinal muscle cells forms a cytoplasmic process containing bundles of tonofilaments. The processes of all cells making up the muscle bands are interwoven and anchored to the basal membrane.

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