
Microscopic investigation of the larynx in Indigenous Male West African guinea fowl (Numida meleagris galeata) In AL-Najaf province, the mean live weight was (1750 g ± 50 gm) our need to have a base line data on the respiratory system of this abundant species of bird in Iraq. It is expected that this work will provide a base for future research and subsequent clinical application as regards the biology of the guinea fowl. Five healthy birds utilize in this study. After bird dead the larynx dissected out and washing by normal saline solution, then were fixed immediately in 10% NBF solution, and then preparing for routine histological processing. The laryngeal mound was covered by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Toward the glottis the thickness of these epithelia decreased and some of epithelial layers were modified to epithelial glands, then epithelium became ciliated, pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Lamina propria-submucosa contained loose connective tissue connected with the perichondrium of the hyaline laryngeal cartilages (Cricoid, Arytenoid, and Procricoid).

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