
The present study was designed to provide basic data about the histological features of theadrenal gland in the adult Iraqi local male rabbits. The adrenal glands were paired, lie close thecraniomedial border of the kidney, together they weigh about 0.59 g ± 0.38. Each adrenal glandwas covered by a dense connective tissue capsule and consists of two layers: adrenal cortex andadrenal medulla. The adrenal cortex made up of columnar or polyhedral cells, and can be dividedin to three layers according to arrangement of its cells were: The zona glomerulosa immediatelyinside the capsule, consisting of closely packed, arched cords of columnar or pyramidal cellssurrounded by many capillaries. The zona fasciculata (middle zone) it consists of straightcolumns of large polyhedral cells. The zona reticuiaris ( innermost zone ) arranged as an irregularnetwork of anastomosing cords of cells surrounded by sinusoids.The Adrenal medulla iscomposed of large, polyhedral cells arranged in cords or groups and supported by a reticular fibernetwork. A profuse supply of sinusoidal capillaries intervenes between adjacent cords.

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