
The olfactory and respiratory mucosal linings of ethmoturbinate surfaces were studied histologically at different levels in ten goats. The major area of ethmoturbinates was lined with respiratory mucosa and only a small strip measuring 2.5–3.0 mm adjacent to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid had lining of true olfactory mucosa. The pseudostratified columnar olfactory epithelium attained twice the thickness of the respiratory pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium. The round to spherical olfactory cell nuclei packed in the mid epithelial zone in 5–7 rows had their dendritic thread-like processes extending towards the epithelial surface. The rod-shaped columnar supporting cell nuclei were oriented towards the surface of the epithelium. The loose propria submucosa was thicker on the outer surface than the inner surface. The distribution of serous types of Bowman's glands along with large numbers of nerve bundles increased on the outer olfactory surface of ethmoturbinates, whereas the mucous glands and venous caverns were predominant on the outer respiratory surface of ethmoturbinates. The olfactory and respiratory mucosae, being demarcated in ethmoturbinates, can be explored for behavioural experimentation and neurophysiological studies in goats.

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