
To enhance cleaning during retro-preparation in endodontic microsurgery. Forty mandibular premolars were instrumented, filled with a single cone technique, and then retro-preparation was performed and assigned to experiment A. In group A1, the cavity created by the retro preparation was cleansed with 2 mL of normal sterile saline. In group A2, the retro cavity was cleaned with 2 mL of sterile saline after the retro preparation. All the irrigation solutions mentioned above were delivered using an endodontic needle with a lateral vent and a gauge of 30. Subsequently, in group A2, 17% EDTA gel and 5.25% gel were inserted into the cavity and activated using ultrasonic tips. After the irrigation protocols, the specimens were decalcified for histological evaluation. In the experiment, the amount of hard tissue debris was significantly greater in group A1 compared to group A2 (p < 0.05). The samples in group A2, where the new protocol was performed, showed statistically significant results.

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