
Citrullus lanatus has been used widely in the treatment of disease conditions such as kidney disorders, high blood pressure and impotence. Twenty four Wister rats weighing between 180g and 220grams were used in this research work to determine the histological changes in the pancreas of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats fed with rind of C. lanatus. They were divided into three groups; A, B and C of eight rats each. Diabetes was induced in Group B and C using a single intraperitoneal injection of 65mg/kg of streptozotocin after an overnight fast. Group A served as the normal control while Group B served as the diabetic control. Group C were fed with extract of rind of C lanatus mixed with guinea feed in a ratio of 3:1. All the other animals were given normal guinea feed and water freely. The experiment lasted for 28 days and the animals reweighed. The results showed a 16.21% and 3.80% increase in mean body weight of groups A and C while in group B there was a 13.95% decrease in mean body weight which is significant at p<0.05. Also there was a significant decrease in mean glucose level of group C animals from 350.00±45.64mg/dl to 96.75±1.65mg/dl when compared with group B which was high throughout the experimental period (450.00±23.80 to 288.25±39.44). Histology showed regenerative changes of pancreatic islet cell in group C animals while there was a loss of definite capsule, cell death and atrophy of islets of langerhans in Group B. This showed that the rind of Citrullus lanatus possess some antidiabetic properties considering its hypoglycemic activities and regenerative properties of the islets of langerhans of pancreas

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