
Cas-Br-M, a cloned ecotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) of wild mouse origin that induces both neurogenic hindlimb paralysis and lymphomas, was injected into NFS/N inbred mice neonatally. Then the mice were observed for the development of neurologic disease and tumors. All mice manifested neurologic abnormalities by 6 months of age, and 58% of the animals died with hematopoietic neoplasms. The tumors included T- and B-cell lymphomas, lymphoblastic lymphoma, erythroleukemias, myelogenous leukemias, and a megakaryocytic leukemia. Cas-Br-M thus appeared to be unique among ecotropic MuLV in inducing a wide spectrum of hematopoietic tumors.

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