
This study was designed to examine the morphologic properties of the masseter muscle in individuals with vertical maxillary excess (VME). The deep surface of the anterior aspect of the superficial masseter was biopsied in nine patients at the time of corrective surgery. Individual muscle fibers were classified as slow-twitch-oxidative (SO), fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG), or fast-twitch-glycolytic (FG) based on staining characteristics using a battery of histochemical procedures. Most patients had normal tissue, although there were considerable differences in size and distribution of the three fiber types. Generally, SO fibers were the largest and most prevalent type of fiber. Two individuals, however, demonstrated evidence of muscle pathology that primarily affected the FG fiber population. Histochemical evidence of muscle pathology has not previously been reported in patients with VME, and the pattern of SO dominance observed in these patients may be different from the distribution that would be seen in the masseter of a person free of craniofacial deformities.

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