
AbstractSeven jaw muscles of the American alligator have been analyzed for histochemical characteristics of their fiber types: Musculus depressor mandibulae (MDM), M. pseudotemporalis (MP), M. adductor mandibulae posterior (MAMP), M. adductor mandibulae externus (MAME, profound and superficial portions), M. intramandibularis (MI), M. pterygoideus anterior (MPta), and M. pterygoideus posterior (MPtp). Classification of muscle fibers in previous studies has been based on (1) the staining properties of myosin ATPase after alkaline and acid preincubations and (2) the staining reactions for SDH, α‐GPDH, PAS, and myosin ATPase after alkaline preincubations. In this study fiber types in one group of muscles (MP, MAMP, profound portion of MAME and MI) are classified (1) as type I, IIa, or IIb fibers, according to the system of Brooke and Kaiser (Arch. Neurol. 23:369–379, '70) or (2) as fast twitch glycolytic (FG), fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG), slow oxidative (SO), and tonic (few in number) fibers, according to the system of Putnam et al. (J. Exp. Zool. 214:303–309, '80). A second group of muscles (MDM, MAME superficial portion, MPta, and MPtp) reacted differently in similar histochemical tests and are classified, respectively, as (1) types 1, 2, 3 or (2) types A, B, C. We have distinguished the fiber types as red, intermediate, white, and tonic in analyses on muscle sections. The highest percentage of red and intermediate fibers is found in the MI. All three fiber types are approximately equal in superficial and medial portions of the MDM and the MPtp. Three muscles (MP, MAMP, and MAME) have the highest white fiber composition. These results indicate a correlation between the histochemical profiles of individual muscles and their functions during masticatory movements.

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