
The lectin, Concanavalin A(Con A) has been used to localize specific sugar residues (D-glucose, D-mannose and D-fructose) in premalignant lesions and squamous-cell carcinomas induced following cryosurgery of the mouse submandibular gland. The original Con A-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique as well as its combination with periodate oxidation and subsequent reduction by borohydrate were used to compare the epithelial elements during submandibular gland carcinogenesis. Granules in the granular convoluted tubule cells which were weakly reactive to the Con A-HRP method were not present in the premalignant duct like structures. The epithelium of premalignant lesions, duct-like structures, multicystic lesions, and squamous-cell carcinomas were positive for the cell-surface and intercellular substances; and basement membranes and stromal fibers were also positive. The results indicated that throughout malignant transformation of the ductal segments, premalignant epithelia lost Con A-HRP-staining granules and that Con A-binding patterns in induced squamous-cell carcinomas were similar to those found in squamous-cell epithelium.

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