
Glycoproteins were histochemically localized in oxyntic cells of the frog stomach by staining with periodic acid-silver methenamine. Reduction of silver was most intense on (a) the outer aspect of the apical plasmalemma, (b) within the tubular smooth membrane system characteristic of oxyntic cells, and (c) within cisternae and vesicles of the Golgi complex. Other membrane components such as those from the mitochondria, nucleus, junctional complex, lateral and basal cell membranes showed little or no stainability. Gastric mucosal homogenates were fractionated by centrifugation for further morphological and chemical analysis. The staining reaction of the microsomal fraction (40,000 g x 60 min) was similar to that of the tubular membranous components of intact oxyntic cells. Carbohydrate analyses showed that all cell fractions are extremely low in acidic sugars, uronic and sialic acids, while neutral sugars and hexosamines are relatively abundant. The microsomal fraction contains the largest proportion of carbohydrates, ca. 9% of the fat-free dry weight. Another distinguishing feature is that glucosamine is the only detectable hexosamine in the microsomal fraction. These histochemical and chemical data indicate that neutral glycoproteins are associated with membranous components which have been implicated in the process of HCl secretion by oxyntic cells. The staining pattern within the cells supports the hypothesis of interrelationships between the Golgi membranes, tubular smooth membranes, and apical surface membrane.

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