
The distribution of succinic dehydrogenase (SDA) and cytochrome oxidase (Cy. O) was mapped in the various diencephalic nuclei and basal telencephalic centers of the squirrel monkey brain. Thirty μ thick formaldehyde fixed serial sections were also studied for the delineation of the various nuclei, but histochemical preparations proved equally useful for this purpose. Strong SDA and Cy. O activity were observed in the habenular, pulvinaris, anterior dorsalis and ventralis, lateralis dorsalis and posterior, and ventral posterior nuclei. The corpus geniculatum laterale and mediale also showed a strong reaction for these enzymes. The nucleus ventralis anterior, which occupies a very large area in the rostral part of the thalamus, showed moderately strong activity in the cellular patches and negligible activity in the thick fiber bundles passing through it. A comparatively weak reaction was observed in the midline thalamic nuclei. The nucleus caudatus and putamen, however, showed very strong SDA/Cy. O activity. The hypothalamic nuclei showed mild Cy. O and moderate SDA reactions, except for the nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami. The latter showed a little stronger enzyme reaction. The fibers of the internal capsule and the anterior commissure showed little SDA and mild Cy. O activity. The various nuclei of the amygdaloid complex showed similar histochemical reactions with moderate SDA and mild Cy. O activity.

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