
Diffuse pulmonary ossification is a rare condition. We examined three cases of it in Japan, and attempted histochemically to stain for deposition of aluminum and iron in bony tissues. The patients were all female, and in their mid-twenties, mid- eighties, and later teen years. One of the patients had been exposed to heavy metals in her work involving heavy-metal analyses for 18 months. Aluminum staining and Berlin blue staining for iron were performed with dewaxed, undecalcified sections of pulmonary tissues from these three cases. Interestingly, all pulmonary bony tissues from the three cases examined exhibited linear regions of both aluminum and iron deposition in the calcifying fronts or the cement lines of bones. The patient exposed to heavy metals exhibited the most severe aluminum and iron deposition, and also exhibited positive reaction for both aluminum and iron in elastic fibers of blood vessels. Foreign body granulomas with multinucleated giant cells exhibiting elastophagia were also found in this case. This phenomenon, "endogenous pneumoconiosis", appeared to have been the cause of pulmonary hemorrhage in this case, resulting in focal heavy hemosiderosis. It is of great interest that identical patterns of aluminum and iron deposition in hemodialysis patients were found in these three cases, This is the first report on histochemical demonstration of aluminum and iron deposition in diffuse pulmonary ossification, and detailed analysis of additional cases is needed.

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