
we toke 32 laboratory female rats (Rattus norvegicus) sexually mature 16 weeks age and 200±50 gm in weight, were used, divided to four groups control, low dose, intermediate dose and high dose, later administration by oral gavage tamoxifen citrate for three months 50mg/kg low dose,100mg/kg intermediate dose and 200mg/kg high dose. after that the animals killed, tissue were taken fixed in 10% formalin, section prepares and stained with hematoxilin and eosin in addition special stains for connective tissue by Mallory was done. Histopathological result shoed as the kidney with moderate vacuolated subcapsular cortical tubules,dilated tubules in inner cortex and positive Mallory blue stain collagine fibers around congested blood vessels were seen. Finally it appears that subcabsuler cortical tubules (proximal convulated tubules)as the target toxic effect of tamoxifen citrate in the kidney. Keywords: histopathology, toxicity, tamoxifen, in rats I Introduction Tamoxifen is a drug that has been in worldwide use for the treatment of anti estrogen receptor (ER)- positive breast cancer for over 30 years; it has been used in both the metastatic and adjuvant setting (Matteo et al.,2012). At present, tamoxifen is the only proven oral agent for the adjuvant hormonal treatment of hormone receptor positive breast cancer in premenopausal women (Colleoni et al., 2006), and it can be used in both pre- and postmenopausal women who are at increased risk of breast cancer (Fisher et al.,2005). The concentrations of TAM was detected 2-9-Fold higher in kidneys, than the serum levels. Similar results have been reported following long term TAM administration both in human and animals, Tissue accumulation of TAM may be related to the presence of the anti estrogenic binding- sites (AEBS) in the tissue (Fronson et al .,1973). in the Tamoxifen treated the kidney was extensively degenerated with severe vasocongestion and edema in the renal parenchyma and also wide dilation in the Bowman's capsule. In most areas the Bowman's capsule lost its normal morphology(Sanjeev et al.,2014). The tamoxifen increased incidence of hypernephromas in DEN- initiated rats (Wolf and Jordan, 1992).

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