
The toughest challenge OMICs face is that they provide extremely high molecular resolution but poor spatial information. Understanding the cellular/histological context of the overwhelming genetic data is critical for a full understanding of the clinical behavior of a malignant tumor. Digital pathology can add an extra layer of information to help visualize in a spatial and microenvironmental context the molecular information of cancer. Thus, histo-genomics provide a unique chance for data integration. In the era of a precision medicine, a four-dimensional (4D) (temporal/spatial) analysis of cancer aided by digital pathology can be a critical step to understand the evolution/progression of different cancers and consequently tailor individual treatment plans. For instance, the integration of molecular biomarkers expression into a three-dimensional (3D) image of a digitally scanned tumor can offer a better understanding of its subtype, behavior, host immune response and prognosis. Using advanced digital image analysis, a larger spectrum of parameters can be analyzed as potential predictors of clinical behavior. Correlation between morphological features and host immune response can be also performed with therapeutic implications. Radio-histomics, or the interface of radiological images and histology is another emerging exciting field which encompasses the integration of radiological imaging with digital pathological images, genomics, and clinical data to portray a more holistic approach to understating and treating disease. These advances in digital slide scanning are not without technical challenges, which will be addressed carefully in this review with quick peek at its future.

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