
The Baroque and Its Dark Sides 1. Fernando R. De la Flor, On the Notion of a Melancholic Baroque 2. Hernan Vidal, Aesthetic Categories as Empire Administration Imperatives: The Case of the Baroque Baroque Anxieties and Strategies of Survival 3. William Egginton. Of Baroque Holes and Baroque Folds 4. Fernando Ordonez Tarin, Models of Subjectivity in the Spanish Baroque: Quevedo and Gracian 5. David Castillo, Horror (vacul): The Baroque Condition Institutions and Subjectivities in Baroque Spain 6. Bradley J. Nelson, From Hieroglyphic Presence to Representational Sign: An Other Point of View in the Auto Sacramental 7. Carlos M. Gutierrez, The Challenges of Freedom: Social Reflexivity in the Seventeenth-Century Literary Field 8. Nieves Romero-Diaz, Revisiting the Culture of the Baroque: Nobility, City, and Post-Cervantine Novella Strategies of Identity in the Colonial Context 9. Silvia Suarez, Perspectives on Mestizaje in the Early Baroque: Inca Garcilaso and Cervantes 10. Paola Marin, Freedom and Containment in the Colonial Theology of Sor Juana InEs de la Cruz 11. Leonardo Garcia Paban, Sleeping with Corpses, Eating Hearts, and Walking Skulls. Criollo's Subjectivity in Antonio de la Calancha and Bartolome Arzans de Orsua y Vela The Baroque and Its Transgressive Recyclings 12. Mabel Morana, Baroque/ Neobaroque/Ultrabaroque: Disruptive Readings of Modernity Afterword Edward Friedman Contributors Index

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