
Abstract Gamisans, J., L. Hugot & D. Jutzeler (2011). Hippocrepis conradiae Gamisans & Hugot (Fabaceae), a new species from Corsica, in relation to an endemic butterfly. Candollea 66: 273–280. In French, English and French abstracts. Hippocrepis conradiae Gamisans & Hugot (Fabaceae) is a new endemic species described from the Corsican Mountains (massif of Mount Cintu) which can be distinguished easily from some closely related species, in particular from Hippocrepis comosa L. A comparative table and some photographs are provided to demonstrate the morphological differences. This rare plant species, discovered in 2009, is most likely to be the host-plant of the Corsican form of the Blue butterfly Polyommatus coridon Poda, 1761, subsp. nufrellensis Schurian, 1977 (Lycaenidae), which is endemic to Corsica and whose known distribution results exclusively from the observation of individuals appearing on suitable nectariferous flowers at humid sites. The investigation of Hippocrepis conradiae was inspired by th...

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