
Crystals of hingganite-(Y) occur co-trapped in quartz crystals from miarolitic cavities in an aplite vein in the Cadomian granodiorite from Oppach/Lusatian, Germany. We describe the chemical composition and provide a reference Raman spectrum of this mineral, for which little useful spectral data has been published. In addition, we provide some inferences as to the genesis of this mineral in relationship to melt and fluid inclusions in quartz. The paragenetic sequence of minerals conserved only as small crystal inclusions in quartz, demonstrates an unusual occurrence in the Lusatian aplites, characterized by an unusual, extremely water-rich, near-supercritical melt-fluid system with high concentrations in alkali carbonates and sulfates. We propose that a sulfate-rich system was responsible for the fixation of Be and REE as hingganite-(Y), rather than the more common beryl + REE mineral assemblage. This may provide an explanation for the formation of this otherwise rare mineral.

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