
God has made different religions to suit different aspirations, times and countries...one can reach God if one follows any of the paths with wholehearted devotion- Ramakrishna, A Hindu mystic Peace has been a long-cherished dream since times immemorial, however, its significance and scope in the cutting edge world has expanded many-overlap. The word Peace having no settled upon single definition has been clarified by a few, as quietness or calm, independence from unsettling influence or struggle, nonappearance or suspension of war, a condition of security or request, and a compromise after difficulty, and so on. It could anyway be best comprehended and increased in value by the nonattendance of the antonyms like war, strife, agitation, savagery, psychological warfare, devastation and so on Religion is integral to the presence of pretty much every general public and has been characterized as "a bunch of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency”. All major religions of Humanity have consistently endorsed calm and urged people for universal brotherhood. Though Ahimsa or peacefulness shapes a cardinal standard of practically all Aryan religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism; the Semitic religions; the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that share the essential ideas of Monotheism, Prophets and Life after death; depict harmony and compromise among intra and inter-religious groups as carrying great rewards in the hereafter. Religions normally join a code of morals that worry about the conduct of the individual, yet men don’t always live up to the standards they profess.This paper tries to analyze the quintessential uniqueness and new insights of peace in sacred texts of the world’s oldest religion-- Hinduism, its ethical commandments for peace and war as well as the ways and means of achieving this goal

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