
Although hindfoot arthrodeses relieve pain and correct deformity, they have been associated with progressive tibiotalar degeneration. The objective was to quantify changes in tibiotalar kinematics after hindfoot arthrodeses, both isolated subtalar and talonavicular, as well as double arthrodesis, and to determine if the order of joint fixation affects tibiotalar kinematics. Hindfoot arthrodeses were performed in 14 cadaveric mid-tibia specimens. Specimens randomly received isolated fixation of the subtalar or talonavicular joint first, followed by fixation of the remaining joint for the double arthrodesis. A 6-degree-of-freedom robot sequentially simulated the stance phase of level walking for intact, isolated, and double arthrodesis conditions. Tibiotalar kinematic changes were compared for the intact and arthrodesis conditions. A subsequent analysis assessed the effect of the joint fixation order on tibiotalar kinematics. Isolated and double hindfoot arthrodeses increased tibiotalar plantarflexion, inversion, and internal rotation during late stance. Tibiotalar kinematics changes occurring after isolated arthrodesis remained consistent after the double arthrodesis for both the subtalar- and talonavicular-first conditions. The order of joint fixation influenced tibiotalar kinematics through some portions of stance, where the talonavicular-first double arthrodesis increased tibiotalar plantarflexion, eversion, and internal rotation compared to the subtalar-first double. Tibiotalar kinematics were modestly altered for all conditions, both isolated and double hindfoot arthrodeses. Changes in tibiotalar kinematics were consistent from the isolated to the double arthrodesis conditions and varied depending on which isolated hindfoot arthrodesis was performed first. Further research is needed to assess the clinical implications of the observed changes in tibiotalar kinematics, particularly as it pertains to the development of adjacent joint arthritis. These findings may correlate with clinical research that has cited hindfoot arthrodesis as a risk factor for adjacent tibiotalar arthritis. Once either the subtalar or talonavicular joint is fused, avoiding the arthrodesis of the second joint may not necessarily protect the tibiotalar joint.

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