
AbstractThe hindered settling of three sizes of microcapsules suspended at four different concentrations in silicone fluids with four viscosities was determined at 25°C in suspensions.The viscosities of the various suspensions determined by a Stormer Viscometer indicated pseudoplastic behavior. A viscosity constant was calculated using the power law of the formηsN = ηkGThe sedimentation rate of suspensions of microcapsules was determined at low Reynolds numbers. An equationVs = [(ρs - ρ)g/18η] · f(d,C, ηk)was proposed in which the exponent of [(ρs - ρ)g/18 η] was shown to be one. Various sedimentation parameters were fitted by multiple linear regression method to a curve. The empirical equation obtained wasVs = [(ρs - ρ)g/18 η] d1.63 (1/C1.27) ηk 0.07 e−4.31A comparison of sedimentation rate against suspension concentration was made for values calculated from the classical Stokes equation, experimental values, and predicted values from the fitted equation.

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