
Parts of the hind limbs of what appears to be a single individual of a theropod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian–?Campanian) Bostobe Formation of the northeastern Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan, are identified as belonging to an indeterminate ornithomimid based on combination of derived and primitive traits including one ornithomimosaurian synapomorphy (medial side of the anterior surface of the distal end of metatarsal III expanded). This is the first discovery of the associated theropod material from the Bostobe Formation. Ornithomimids were known previously from this formation only from isolated bones. Based on the reduction of the flexor fossa and flexor tubercle on the pedal ungual this material can be referred to the derived ornithomimid clade that includes Sinornithomimus, Gallimimus, Qiupalong, Struthiomimus, and Ornithomimus. The partial femur has a dorsomedially directed head similar to that of an unidentified ornithomimid from the correlative Yalovach Formation of Tajikistan and may belong to the same or a closely related taxon.

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