
In this paper we study the Hilbert space structure underlying the Koopman–von Neumann (KvN) operatorial formulation of classical mechanics. KvN limited themselves to study the Hilbert space of zero-forms that are the square integrable functions on phase space. They proved that in this Hilbert space the evolution is unitary for every system. In this paper we extend the KvN Hilbert space to higher forms which are basically functions of the phase space points and the differentials on phase space. We prove that if we equip this space with a positive definite scalar product the evolution can turn out to be nonunitary for some systems. Vice versa, if we insist in having a unitary evolution for every system then the scalar product cannot be positive definite. Identifying the one-forms with the Jacobi fields we provide a physical explanation of these phenomena. We also prove that the unitary/nonunitary character of the evolution is invariant under canonical transformations.

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