
The experimentally measured charge-depdendent correlations in heavy ion collisions have been suggested as a signature of the chiral magenetic effect (CME). Early model studies could not reproduce the measurement. For example, the Hijing model yielded far smaller magnitude for the charge-dependent correlation than observed in data. This led to the conclusion that the CME had to be invoked to explain the observed correlations in heavy ion collisions. In this paper we show that this conclusion of the CME interpretation is premature. We show that the reason that Hijing predicts a far smaller correlation than data is because the elliptic anisotrpy ($v_{2}$) parameter in Hijing is too small. When properly scaled, the Hijing model can reproduce in entirety the measured correlations. We also employ the AMPT model, which has a large enough $v_2$, to demonstrate that the measured data can be easily accommodated by models without invoking the CME.

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