
In deep reinforcement learning, experience replay has been shown an effective solution to handle sample-inefficiency. Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) uses temporal-difference error (TD error) as replay priority in Deep Q-Networks (DQN), so that agent can learn more effectively from important experiences. However, experiences with large TD error may appear near the edge of state space and these experiences do not help agent learn policy quickly. We present a novel technique called High-Value Prioritized Experience Replay (HVPER), which designs a combination of TD error and value (reward or state-action value) in replay priority. Specifically, we first propose prioritizing replay based on reward and TD error in sparse reward environment. Extendedly, we design prioritizing replay based on state-action value and TD error for more ordinary environment. We design experiments in the gym environment to evaluate the proposed HVPER. First, we verify that the combination of TD error and reward improves the training speed in two problems with sparse rewards compared to DQN algorithm and PER algorithm. In addition, HVPER accelerates the network learning and achieves a better performance in two continuous space problems compared to Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm.

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