
In a seminal work, Gozar et al. reported on the high-temperature interface superconductivity in bilayers of insulating La2CuO4 and metallic La2−xSrxCuO4 (x=0.45). An interesting question to address is how general and robust this interface superconductivity is. In the past, the cuprate bilayers were grown in a unique atomic-layer molecular beam epitaxy system, with a Sr doping range of x≤0.47, and the atomically flat interface was thought to be indispensable. Here, we have fabricated bilayers of La2CuO4 and La2−xSrxCuO4 by pulsed laser deposition. We have tried to extend the nominal doping range of Sr from the previous maximum of 0.47 to the present 1.70 (the nominal Sr content in the targets). X-ray diffraction result indicates that our La2−xSrxCuO4 films with x≤0.60 have very high crystalline quality; but the film crystalline structure degrades gradually with further increasing x, and finally the structure is fully lost when x reaches 1.40 and higher. Although the film quality scatters dramatically, our experiments show that there exists superconductivity for bilayers in nearly the entire over-doped Sr range, except for a non-superconducting region at x∼0.80. These observations demonstrate that the interface superconductivity in copper oxides is very general and robust.

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