
ObjectiveTo provide a brief overview of the clinical presentation, common offending agents, management, prognosis, and mortality of 6 selected high-risk drug rashes, namely, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome, multiple drug hypersensitivity (MDH) syndrome, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), and drug-induced bullous pemphigoid (DIBP). Data SourcesA review of the published literature was performed with PubMed and supplemented with our clinical experience. Study SelectionsThe most recent clinically relevant studies and older seminal works were selected. ResultsMost of the published data on these uncommon rashes were based on small observational series or case reports. SJS and TEN have specific genotypes association with certain drugs, have high morbidity and mortality, and require aggressive management by a team of multiple specialists. DRESS syndrome is a severe, prolonged multiorgan reaction, yet it has a better prognosis than TEN. MDH is a syndrome of repeated reactions to unrelated drugs that often imposes diagnostic and management difficulties. AGEP consists of generalized sterile small pustules, usually mistaken for infection with subsequent inappropriate treatment. Bullous pemphigoid presents with tense pruritic bullae and characteristic linear basement membrane deposition of IgG and C3. DIBP has much better prognosis than the autoimmune variety. ConclusionIn such high-risk drug rashes, early recognition, immediate withdrawal of the suspected drug(s), prompt individualized management, and monitoring of vital organs function are mandatory for reducing morbidity and mortality. The lack of reliable tests for identification of the causative agent imposes difficulty, particularly in patients receiving multiple medications.

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