
There is considerable current interest in the near-threshold dissociation of diatomic molecules especially when one or both of the atomic fragments possess electronic angular momentum [1,2]. In this situation nonadiabatic effects including spin-orbit and Coriolis interactions are expected to play a prominent role in determining the near-threshold energy level (resonance) structure and in the dissociation dynamics. It has been predicted that photo-dissociation spectra of molecules such as CH [1,2] should show evidence for these nonadiabatic interactions, including the appearance of ‘multichannel resonances’. We report here the first experimental evidence for multichannel resonances in photofragment spectra of SiH [3]. The spectra recorded arise almost totally from transitions to Feshbach resonances, which may be described alternatively as predissociated energy levels which lie between the two fine structure dissociation limits, Si+(2P3/2) + H and Si+(2P1/2) + H.

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