
AbstractIn this study, I present a high‐resolution 3‐D Vs model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath central Mongolia, based on seismic data recorded at the Central Mongolia Seismic Experiment array and some other networks. The model is constructed by a Bayesian Monte Carlo inversion that jointly interprets Rayleigh wave phase speeds and receiver functions. The Rayleigh wave dispersion measurements are derived from both ambient noise and teleseismic earthquake data. To improve ambient noise data coverage, a recently developed three‐station interferometry (Zhang et al., 2020, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa046) technique is applied to produce high‐quality three‐station interferograms that augment the ambient noise data base. There are several prominent geological and tectonic features captured by the model, including (1) the Khövsgöl rift system is imaged as a high‐speed anomaly in the upper crust, whose southern edge follows the Bulnay fault. (2) The estimated crustal thickness map identifies relatively thick crust beneath the Khövsgöl rift system, the Hangay Dome, and the Gobi‐Altai Mountains. (3) A crustal high‐velocity anomaly is imaged beneath the Taryatu‐Chulutu volcanic field, which is interpreted as a solidified intrusive magma body. (4) Dispersed low‐velocity anomalies in the mantle identify locations with possible partial melting. The melting zones could be related to small‐scale asthenospheric upwelling and convective removal of lithosphere, which produces uplift of the Hangay Dome.

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