
We are developing a high-resolution cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph for installation at one of the coude foci of the new AEOS 3.67 meter telescope, operated by the Air Force Space Command on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii. The spectrograph will consist of two major subsystems, an optical arm for the wavelength range 0.5-1.0 microns and a SWIR arm for the range 1.0-2.5 microns. The optical arm will include a mosaic 4096 by 4096 thinned CCD array, providing coverage of the wavelength range in two settings at a resolving power of 50,000. The CCD camera will be operated in frame-transfer mode. The IR arm will consist of a compact, folded cross- dispersed cryogenic echelle spectrography. The SWIR detector will be a 2048 by 2048 HgCdTe array, based on the existing HAWAII 1024 by 1024 devices. The large-format detector will permit coverage of the entire J or H band in a single grating setting with a resolving power of 60,000, and the K band in two settings. The high resolution, coupled with careful attention to scattering and stray light in the optical system, will permit exploitation of the low sky background between the strong OH airflow lines. Adequate order separation will be maintained to permit work on moderately extended objects while still retaining sky subtraction capability. The spectrography is expected to be available for use in early 2000.

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