
In a 5G environment, it is possible to provide various services that have not been experienced before based on high-speed, ultra-low latency, high reliability, and ultra-connectivity infrastructure. In particular, intelligent convergence technology that provides high-quality services requires precise location measurement data with a very low error range. This includes high-precision data positioning in self-driving cars. Such a positioning data will enable driverless vehicles to run in a safer and more stable manner. At present, it is possible to measure the exact position of a vehicle through sensors and communication among cars using Global Positioning System (GPS) but it is still difficult to figure out the position between vehicles and pedestrians. Therefore, this paper proposes a communication protocol for Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P) services using 5G networks. This protocol may identify distances between the vehicle and the pedestrian by using signals to identify distances between the vehicle and the repeater, the repeater and the pedestrian, and the pedestrian and the pedestrian. And if you calculate the direction angle using triangulation, you can know the exact location. Based on this location information, the relationship that predicts the time when an accident occurs according to the change in the speed of the vehicle and the walking speed of the pedestrian was analyzed through simulation. According to the simulation results, it was confirmed that the speed of the vehicle and the speed of the pedestrian had a great influence on the time when the accident occurred. Therefore, it also affects the time when a warning message or warning sound should be sent to both the vehicle and the pedestrian, which means that it can actively respond to collisions between the vehicle and the person. In particular, it will be more useful if it is used with sensors when it is difficult to secure visibility due to low-speed intersections, crossings, child protection areas, and fog, and accidents will be reduced if the above-mentioned cases are prevented. In summary, this paper developed a protocol for high-precision positioning of pedestrians to prevent emergencies that may occur with pedestrians in autonomous driving based on the 5G communication network reflecting the structure of SDN. In addition, the correlation between the speed of the vehicle and the time when an emergency situation occurs according to the change in the walking speed of the pedestrian was analyzed through a simulation.

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