
Computer-optimized selective pulses are routinely used in solution-state NMR spectroscopy. At the same time, their utility and importance for solid-state applications has yet to be fully realized. We suggest a new computational approach that makes the design of soft selective pulses with desired properties relatively straightforward. By applying this technique to the generic selective excitation problem, we have arrived at a family of high performance selective excitation pulses, dubbed E-Family, that allows more flexibility and better performance than analogous pulses previously reported in the literature. The new pulses have been successfully tested in both solid- and solution-state NMR experiments. A theoretical treatment of the effects of chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) on the selective excitation in magic-angle spinning (MAS) experiments in solids is presented. The set of heuristics that comprise our new strategy were incorporated into a general NMR simulation program SPINEVOLUTION.

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