
Internet web browsing has reached a critical tipping point. Increasingly, users rely more on mobile web browsers to access the Internet than desktop browsers. Meanwhile, webpages over the past decade have grown in complexity by more than tenfold. The fast penetration of mobile browsing and everricher webpages implies a growing need for high-performance mobile devices in the future to ensure continued end-user browsing experience. Failing to deliver webpages meeting hard cut-off constraints could directly translate to webpage abandonment or, for e-commerce websites, great revenue loss. However, mobile devices' limited battery capacity limits the degree of performance that mobile web browsing can achieve. In this paper, we demonstrate the benefits of heterogeneous systems with big/little cores each with different frequencies to achieve the ideal trade-off between high performance and energy efficiency. Through detailed characterizations of different webpage primitives based on the hottest 5,000 webpages, we build statistical inference models that estimate webpage load time and energy consumption. We show that leveraging such predictive models lets us identify and schedule webpages using the ideal core and frequency configuration that minimizes energy consumption while still meeting stringent cut-off constraints. Real hardware and software evaluations show that our scheduling scheme achieves 83.0% energy savings, while only violating the cut-off latency for 4.1% more webpages as compared with a performance-oriented hardware strategy. Against a more intelligent, OS-driven, dynamic voltage and frequency scaling scheme, it achieves 8.6% energy savings and 4.0% performance improvement simultaneously.

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