
A codimension-three Takens–Bogdanov bifurcation in reversible systems has been very recently analyzed in the literature. In this paper, we study with the help of the nonlinear time transformation method, the codimension-one and -two homoclinic and heteroclinic connections present in the corresponding unfolding. The algorithm developed allows to obtain high-order approximations for the global connections, in such a way that it supplies in a very efficient manner the coefficients that would be obtained with high-order Melnikov functions. As we show, all our analytical predictions have excellent agreement with the numerical results. In particular we remark that, for the two different codimension-two points, the theoretical approximation coincides in six decimal digits with the numerical continuation, even being quite far from the codimension-three point. The better approximations we provide in this work will help in the study of reversible systems that exhibit this codimension-three Takens–Bogdanov bifurcation.

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