
In this paper the evolution of a quantum system driven by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian depending on slowly-changing parameters is studied by building an universal high-order adiabatic approximation (HOAA) method with Berry's phase, which is valid for either the Hermitian or the non-Hermitian cases. This method can be regarded as a non-trivial generalization of the HOAA method for closed quantum system presented by this author before. In a general situation, the probabilities of adiabatic decay and non-adiabatic transitions are explicitly obtained for the evolution of the non-Hermitian quantum system. It is also shown that the non-Hermitian analog of the Berry's phase factor for the non-Hermitian case just enjoys the holonomy structure of the dual linear bundle over the parameter manifold. The non-Hermitian evolution of the generalized force harmonic oscillator is discussed as an illustrative example.

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