
We use Halpha and FUV GALEX data for a large sample of nearby objects to study the high mass star formation activity of normal late-type galaxies. The data are corrected for dust attenuation using the most accurate techniques at present available, namely the Balmer decrement and the total far-infrared to FUV flux ratio. The sample shows a highly dispersed distribution in the Halpha to FUV flux ratio indicating that two of the most commonly used star formation tracers give star formation rates with uncertainties up to a factor of 2-3. The high dispersion is due to the presence of AGN, where the UV and the Halpha emission can be contaminated by nuclear activity, highly inclined galaxies, for which the applied extinction corrections are probably inaccurate, or starburst galaxies, where the stationarity in the star formation history required for transforming Halpha and UV luminosities into star formation rates is not satisfied. Excluding these objects we reach an uncertainty of ~50% on the SFR. The Halpha to FUV flux ratio increases with their total stellar mass. If limited to normal star forming galaxies, however, this relationship reduces to a weak trend that might be totally removed using different extinction correction recipes. In these objects the Halpha to FUV flux ratio seems also barely related with the FUV-H colour, the H band effective surface brightness, the total star formation activity and the gas fraction. The data are consistent with a Kroupa and Salpeter initial mass function in the high mass stellar range and imply, for a Salpeter IMF, that the variations of the slope cannot exceed 0.25, from g=2.35 for massive galaxies to g=2.60 in low luminosity systems. We show however that these observed trends, if real, can be due to the different micro history of star formation in massive galaxies with respect to dwarf.

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