
The entire S-matrix elements of four, five and six point functions of D-brane-anti D-brane system are explored. To deal with symmetries of string amplitudes as well as their all order α′ corrections we first address a four point function of one closed string Ramond-Ramond (RR) and two real tachyons on the world volume of brane-anti brane system. We then focus on symmetries of string theory as well as universal tachyon expansion to achieve both string and effective field theory of an RR and three tachyons where the complete algebraic analysis for the whole S-matrix < {V}_{C^{-1}}{V}_{T^{-1}}{V}_{T^0}{V}_{T^0}> was also revealed. Lastly, we employ all the conformal field theory techniques to < {V}_{C^{-1}}{V}_{T^{-1}}{V}_{T^0}{V}_{T^0}{V}_{T^0}> , working out with symmetries of theory and find out the expansion for the amplitude to be able to precisely discover all order singularity structures of D-brane-anti-D-brane effective actions of string theory. Various remarks about the so called generalized Veneziano amplitude and new string couplings are elaborated as well.

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