
Histamine-sensitization test method based on histamine-sensitizing death is widely used for controlling residual activity of pertussis toxin in acellular pertussis vaccines. The test method evaluates the residual activity according to the death of mice injected with a test vaccine after histamine challenge and the test result, therefore, depends on the sensitivity of mice. A highly sensitive test method based on change in rectal temperature of mice has been used in Japan for many years but has limited feasibility in other countries. We examined the possibility of a test method using dermal temperature measured by infrared thermometer to reduce animal suffering instead of rectal temperature. The dermal temperature method was shown to be as sensitive as the rectal temperature method. Furthermore, the dermal as well as rectal temperature methods can evaluate the activity of a test vaccine in relative to a reference preparation so as to allow direct comparison of the test results among different laboratories. The activity by means of the dermal temperature method was also found to be well consistent with that by the rectal temperature method.

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