
A gyroscope is one of the core components of an inertial navigation system. Both the high sensitivity and miniaturization are important for the applications of the gyroscope. We consider a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in a nanodiamond, which is levitated either by an optical tweezer or an ion trap. Based on the Sagnac effect, we propose a scheme to measure the angular velocity with ultra-high sensitivity through the matter-wave interferometry of the nanodiamond. Both the decay of the motion of the center of mass of the nanodiamond and the dephasing of the NV centers are included when we estimate the sensitivity of the proposed gyroscope. We also calculate the visibility of the Ramsey fringes, which can be used for estimating the limitation of gyroscope sensitivity. It is found that the sensitivity ∼6.86×10-7 r a d/s/H z can be achieved in an ion trap. As the working area of the gyroscope is extremely small (∼0.01~μm2), it could be made on-chip in the future.

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