
Internet voting systems have gained popularity and have been used for government elections and referendums in the United Kingdom, Estonia and Switzerland as well as municipal elections in Canada and party primary elections in the United States. Voting system can involve transmission of ballots and votes via private computer networks or the Internet. Electronic voting technology can speed the counting of ballots and can provide improved accessibility for disabled voters. The aim of this paper is to people who have citizenship of India and whose age is above 18 years and of any sex can give their vote through online without going to any physical polling station. Election Commission Officer (Election Commission Officer who will verify whether registered user and candidates are authentic or not) to participate in online voting. This online voting system is highly secured, and its design is very simple, ease of use and also reliable. The proposed software is developed and tested to work on Ethernet and allows online voting. It also creates and manages voting and an election detail as all the users must login by user name and password and click on his favorable candidates to register vote. This will increase the voting percentage in India. By applying high security it will reduce false votes.

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