
Cytochrome b5 from mouse and rat liver formed a type I spectral complex with two murine cytochrome P-450 isozymes, the P450Coh and P450PBI. Mouse b5 stimulated the reactions catalyzed by reconstituted P450Coh and an equimolar amount of b5 to P450Coh was needed for maximal effect. In contrast, rat b5 inhibited P450Coh-mediated reactions progressively starting from 1:1 ratio of b5 to P-450. Neither b5 had any effect on reactions catalyzed by P45015 alpha, an isozyme highly homologous to P450Coh, but with a point mutation (Arg-129----Ser) at site considered important for P-450-b5 interactions. In case of P450PBI, neither b5 protein had any effect on the associated activities at b5: P-450 ratios below 1, and a progressive inhibition occurred when b5: P-450 ratio was above 1. The results were similar with either rat or mouse liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase used in reconstitution demonstrating that the critical differences take place in P-450-b5 interactions. Kinetic and spectral experiments revealed that the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of b5 on the enzymatic reactions were due to corresponding changes in the reaction velocity, and that b5 does not compete with the flavoprotein nor with the substrate for binding to P-450. These results indicate that the high spin shift of P-450 does not necessarily correlate with enhanced reaction rates. Also, the increase in the coupling efficiency of P450PBI may result from the increased affinity for substrate in the presence of b5. Sequenation of mouse b5 peptides generated with proteinases revealed three amino acid changes between the mouse and rat b5, two of which appeared at the hydrophobic domain necessary for the P-450-b5 interaction. This could explain the species specificity of b5 proteins in supporting the P-450-mediated reactions. This is the first time functionally important differences in the interaction of highly homologous cytochromes P-450 and b5 have been demonstrated. Isozymes P45015 alpha and P450Coh, and mouse and rat b5 could serve as an excellent model for further studies on the nature and significance of P-450-b5 interactions.

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