
We proposed a facile film treatment with formic acid to enhance the conductivity of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) by 4 orders of magnitude. The effect of formic acid concentration on conductivity was investigated; conductivity increased fast with increasing concentration up to 10 M and then increased slightly, the highest conductivity being 2050 S cm(-1) using 26 M concentration. Formic acid treated PEDOT:PSS films also exhibited very high transmittances. The mechanism of conductivity enhancement was explored through SEM, AFM, and XPS. Formic acid with its high dielectric constant screens the charge between PEDOT and PSS bringing about phase separation between them. Increased carrier concentration, removal of PSS from the film, morphology, and conformation change with elongated and better connected PEDOT chains are the main mechanisms of conductivity enhancement. ITO-free polymer solar cells were also fabricated using PEDOT:PSS electrodes treated with different concentrations of formic acid and showed equal performance to that of ITO electrodes. The concentrated acid treatment did not impair the desirable film properties as well as stability and performance of the solar cells.

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