
Developing trustworthy rainfall-runoff (R-R) models can offer serviceable information for planning and managing water resources. Use of artificial neural network (ANN) in adopting such models and predicting changes in runoff has become popular among many hydrologists from a long time. However, since the optimization is the most significant phase in ANN training, researchers’ attentiveness has been attracted to the ANN’s biggest problem, i.e. its susceptibility of being blocked in local minima. Consequently, use of genetic algorithms (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), firefly algorithm (FFA) and improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) approaches to increase the performance of ANN, have gained remarkable interest among distinct modern heuristic optimization approaches. In this paper, the capability of four improved ANN methods, hybrid GA-based ANN, PSO-based ANN, FFA-based ANN and IPSO-based ANN in modeling rainfall-runoff (R-R) is investigated. IPSO has been used in order to increase the ability of PSO, where the new positions of particles are dynamically adjusted using two procedures which is given form the velocity obtained by PSO and proposed velocity in IPSO. The random normal grated number with a dynamical scale factor is used to compute the new position of the best particles in proposed velocity. Daily R-R data from six stations distributed in the Seybouse watershed located in semi-arid region in Algeria were used in models’ development. The selection of the input data sets was carried out using the autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation and cross correlation functions. The results of the four hybrid models were compared via performance metrics, viz., Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R), Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency coefficient (NSE), and via graphical analysis (scatter plots, time series and Taylor diagram). Outcomes of the analysis at all study stations disclosed that all the ANN models enhanced with IPSO overachieved the GA-based ANN, PSO-based ANN and FFA-based ANN models in estimating runoff for both training and testing periods. The outcomes of the study indicate that the IPSO hybrid metaheuristic algorithm is the best technique in improving ANN capability in modeling daily R-R.


  • Since the dawn of time, water has been a predominant factor in the socio-economic development of human beings.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Bo Pu .It intervenes in the whole functioning of the natural environment and represents a main life resource for many plants and animals

  • New metaheuristics algorithms are needed to solve this issue and improve standard artificial neural network (ANN) efficiency. This has been confirmed by the results found in this study after applying the hybrid models of ANN trained separately by genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), firefly algorithm (FFA) and improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO), where they revealed the superiority of the ANN-IPSO over the ANNFFA, ANN-PSO and ANN-GA in both training and testing phases for the six stations distributed in the study basin

  • The results indicated that the ANN-PSO model significantly outperformed the ANN-GA model in terms of convergence speed, accuracy, and fitness function evaluation

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Since the dawn of time, water has been a predominant factor in the socio-economic development of human beings.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Bo Pu .It intervenes in the whole functioning of the natural environment and represents a main life resource for many plants and animals. Hydrologists and researchers have developed various rainfall- runoff (R-R) models in order to capture and represent this intricate phenomenon, where the model selection has to be made according to its ability and levels of complexity [9]. These models are categorized into (i) the physics-based technique that offers better understandability, but their accuracy is poor, and (ii) the empirical or data driven technique based on measured data that provides highly accurate results [10]

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