
Research in the field of veterinary entomology is dominated by studies concerning arthropods that affect animal health. In 2019, this research primarily addressed the overwhelming industry need to manage detrimental species such as biting flies and ticks and the ongoing problems caused by insecticide/acaricide resistance evolution in these pests. Research also included evidence supporting the need for the conservation of beneficial species, such as biological control organisms. Many studies in a variety of pest systems have demonstrated the potential detrimental effects of insecticide use on nontarget organisms, and those of veterinary importance are no exception. An emphasis also was placed on research regarding alternative management strategies for veterinary pests. The presentation herein provides a descriptive summary of selected research that contributed greatly to the body of knowledge regarding arthropods of veterinary importance. This included several studies that will pave the way towards more effective veterinary pest management in an effort to improve animal health and welfare and, therefore, the sustainability of animal agriculture.

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