
High-level synthesis promises a significant shortening of the FPGA design cycle when compared with design entry using register transfer level (RTL) languages. Recent evaluations report that C-to-RTL flows can produce results with a quality close to hand-crafted designs [1]. Algorithms which use dynamic, pointer-based data structures, which are common in software, remain difficult to implement well. In this paper, we describe a comparative case study using Xilinx Vivado HLS as an exemplary state-of-the-art high-level synthesis tool. Our test cases are two alternative algorithms for the same compute-intensive machine learning technique (clustering) with significantly different computational properties. We compare a data-flow centric implementation to a recursive tree traversal implementation which incorporates complex data-dependent control flow and makes use of pointer-linked data structures and dynamic memory allocation. The outcome of this case study is twofold: We confirm similar performance between the hand-written and automatically generated RTL designs for the first test case. The second case reveals a degradation in latency by a factor greater than 30× if the source code is not altered prior to high-level synthesis. We identify the reasons for this shortcoming and present code transformations that narrow the performance gap to a factor of four. We generalise our source-to-source transformations whose automation motivates research directions to improve high-level synthesis of dynamic data structures in the future.

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