
High intensity-focused ultrasound (HIFU) has been used transrectally to induce an intraprostatic coagulation necrosis lesion in human prostatic adenoma. The device to produce HIFU combines a firing system (power amplifier and therapy transducer) and an imaging system (ultrasound scanner). Nine patients have been treated on epidural anaesthesia with an ultrasound intensity similar to or higher than the acoustic intensity used in previous experiments on canine prostates. Intraprostatic lesions were obtained without any damage to the rectal wall. These lesions were also histologically determined to be coagulation necrosis with a complete destruction of the glandular tissue. These studies confirm the possibility of creating irreversible lesions in the prostatic tissue through the rectal wall. The destruction of localised prostatic cancer would seem to be possible in the near future by using HIFU delivered by the transrectal route.

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